Saturday, January 25, 2014

Veggifettie Confetti

Veggifettie is defined as no veggie left behind, that way no one feels out.

What are the ingredients of this specialty? Anything and everything that is a vegetable. It is the V8 of the solid food world. It is also called stealth health additions. You can add it in salads, sandwiches (not pb&j), in soups, eggs, meatloaf, on top of meats, tacos, burritos, burgers, pizza, any savory cuisine would benefit from the stealth health addition. The sky's the limit! Maybe not a hotdog...

I always know when Mother Judith is cleaning the fridge or gleaning the gardens because veggifettie is in the works.

Today's masterpiece included, but not limited to, broccoli heads and pealed broccoli stalks, garlic, peppers, carrots, beets, collard greens, and celery.

Here are the steps for making the veggifettie. The only equipment needed is a food processor.

First we put in the bell peppers.


Added the carrots, beets, garlic, and broccoli.

Finally the collard greens.

Blended it all together, and here are the results.

You can blend it to the desired chunk size.

No order needed, just toss it in the food processor.
You are not limited to veggies, you can also use herbs. We enjoy adding cilantro and parsley to the mixture, or whatever herbs we can find in the garden.
Once you are done, toss it in your food and enjoy.

 Nancy Jane & Mother Judith
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